Well, bad luck sometimes happen, not only the good one..
Ok, straight into the topic, lastnight i lost my mobilephone (agaiiiin..!!)
I don’t know how, was it took by someone else from my pocket or was it drop from my pocket when i got in the bus, i just know until on the way of home while try to call my sister the phone was not there..πͺ
and i try to miscalled from other phone and the similar voice answer me : the number that u try to connect was off, pls try other times.. suddenly i knew it was gone.π
I was sooo fed up at the moment.
I just buy it, and it’s quite expensive and my hand start to get used with the shape..
but after I try to look (i came back again to the place that i think maybe i drop it but still not found it) I start to release on it... try to be sincere, because that’s all I can do.. π
I just hope who ever find my mobile phone is someone who really really need money and help but still not find it and pray to God and God help her/him trough me.. (what a positive thought deb)
But after i realized, probably what that makes me feel kind of calm to face the lost of my mobile phone ( If I compare with others people reaction, some of my friends when they lost things) is because I am too often lost mobile phone ππ (see,I even can laugh now) its like a daily experienced for me.. so, what you supposed to surprise about π
Let me try to remember, how many times I lost my mobile phone.
Well, my first time when i can afford to buy handphone with my own salary .. Nokia 3350.
Heemm, now it’s kind an old fashion but at the time when I buy it, it still cool and sometimes I found people that still used it now (example my friend, Deny hehehe, sorry den π) so, can u imagine how much the price when I buy it 5 years ago and lost it? I were cried out lout at that time ... I am so fed up and sad.
And the second, I lost another nokia 3350.. blue one, colorfull wallpaper.. arrgghh, I didn’t knew how was it is gone, I just remembered that it just lost π
The third one, it is Nokia 7720,with camera and bla bla bla.. yah, I don’t need to remember all the benefit, it was gone now π
And the fourth was sonny ericcson ..I forgot the type, but the color it’s blue sky, with no camera, because I buy it after 2 days my Nokia 7720 gone and I want to buy the simple one so if it’s lost, I will not get a heart attack but still it feels so pain, And guess what.. it’s lost again. ππ
It is lost in the mall when I am on the elevator, there is a woman who stand so close with me, I wonder what’s wrong with this lady because she keep pushing me.. and heekk, I realized after came out from mall, my phone was gone again (rolling my eyes) and that’s only a week after my fourth missing handphone.. OH Geezzz..
The six time, when I am in the mall also with my best friend Eva, to buy a present for my best friend Mita.. ya, it’s happen about last year. In carefour, Medan. I remember im not closed carefully my bag, it’s open half and a lady (again) who stand behind me so close and I should noticed but it’s soo crowded too, we can’t move, in the line to get a stamp of guarantee things.. phuuff.. Oh ya, by the way it is Nokia , I forgot the type lol..
and the seven times, it’s nokia eemm, what type let me remember, i think Nokia 6230. it is a simple one, a pink one and I kind a like it because it’s the the longest mobilephonr that I ever have without lost it haha..
It’s almost gone about 3 times, left in the other places but when I stayed in meulaboh the people there mostly are a honest people (same like in Bali) and the shop called to my office to said that I left my handphone in their shop hehehe.. lucky me right :-D
But after that I know that my luck is not forever... now it is gone too, in Balige when I visited my sister and went out to swim with my nephew. I miss it from my pant’s pocket and guess what the same pant that I lost my mobile phone lately hehehe...
hemm, well.. I hope last night was the last time for me to lost my mobile phone.. maybe I still have 'the lost mobile phone moment' that i missed out.. but I really hope that it will be the last time.. or maybe i will not lost it for 10 years a head.
Take care your things please, don’t follow my mistaken.
I am to careless... and im still work with one of this bad habit.
And I try to write this in English, just to improve ny English .. so be patient with my vocabulary π